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AU: Tasmanian vegetable growers to collectively bargain with processors

The competition watchdog has proposed to grant authorisation to vegetable growers to collectively bargain with vegetable processors.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has issued a draft determination that, if approved, would allow members of the Tasmanian Farmer and Graziers Association to collectively bargain with Simplot and McCain, as well as any future vegetable processor in Tasmania.

Collective bargaining by between the TFGA with Simplot and McCain has been authorised since 2004.

The ACCC is proposing to grant authorisation for a further 10 years.

As in previous authorisations, participation in the collective bargaining is to be voluntary for both growers and processors.

ACCC deputy chair Dr Michael Schaper said while Tasmania accounted for 30 per cent of Australian production of processed vegetables, the majority of farms in Tasmania were small, with almost half of farms producing less than $50,000 of produce a year.

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