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US: Floralife Receives water sustainability proposal

The Floralife team consisting of Keith Altman, Global Purchasing/Shipping Manager and Catherine Jakaitis, Global Marketing Manager partnered with the Clemson University's Biosystems Engineering Department and students to develop a water sustainability project for Floralife's Walterboro, SC manufacturing location.

Floralife partners with Clemson University Biosystems Engineering Students to find water sustainability solutions for the Walterboro, South Carolina location. Floralife is committed to living and working as sustainably as possible. Our sustainable programs include hard goods made from recycled materials, Water Wise Products, as well as Sustainable and Recyclable Packaging.

In early 2014, Clemson University’s Biosystems Engineering department began consulting with Floralife to build a relationship that would lead to a better, more sustainable way of running our business. Clemson University’s Biosystems Engineering discipline is focused on applying engineering design and analysis to biological and natural systems to achieve sustainability. The goal of the project was for the Clemson students to get real world project experience and interact with a business community to determine how best to apply their academic discipline for corporate implementation. The goal for Floralife was to receive a plan that would assist in our continued efforts as a company to be more sustainable, particularly with water conservation at our manufacturing facility in Walterboro, SC.

In the Fall of 2014, Floralife chose to pursue one of several ideas suggested by the rising Biosystems Engineering seniors. The Senior Design Team from Clemson University is comprised of Shannen Scott, Caitlyn Youngblood, Robert Hickey and their project advisor Associate Professor Caye Drapcho. On December 11, 2014, the team met with Floralife to present their program of “Rainwater Collection and Purification for Floralife’s Walterboro Manufacturing Facility.”

“We are very excited about the program with Clemson,” says Alan Tanouye, General Manager - Floralife American Operations. “They really embodied the spirit of inspiring real world application with corporate mentorship.”

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