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AU: Water worries over Guyra tomatoes

Farmers near a proposed Guyra tomato farm project, owned by Victorian-based vegetable grower marketer and exporter, Costa Group, are concerned about the potential decline in water availability when the $56.5 million project becomes operational.

The Northern Joint Regional Planning Panel (JRPP) last month approved stage one of the project, located north of Guyra on the New England Highway, which includes construction of four glasshouses, a package shed, cool room, workshop, and administration and staff facilities. The approval was subject to a range of conditions, including that groundwater extraction must not exceed 88 megalitres a year.

However, Guyra farmers say there isn't enough groundwater available and extracting 88ML could have a huge impact on nearby farming operations.

The tomato farm is yet to receive a water licence, but major earthworks have already been carried out. The farmers were also disappointed about the lack of consultation before the application, a major issue for the project according to Northern JRPP chairman Garry West.

An independent assessor was appointed to provide a full assessment of the project before the JRPP's decision on November 20.

Mr West said stage two could only go ahead when the tomato farm operators satisfied the water demands to the JRPP, but that would be the responsibility of the NSW Office of Water. The farmers said they'd wait for the outcome of an on-site inspection by the Office of Water before considering their next move.

Costa Group was contacted for comment but did not respond.

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