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US (TX): Vertical farming, plant factory and grow lights for agriculture market 2014 to 2020

Plant factories and plant factory appliances use grow lights to automate and control shifts in technology that makes indoor farming possible. The ability to grow food consistently, locally, without pesticides represents a major breakthrough for humanity. Grow lights permit people to grow food in warehouses and in the home, dedicating previously unused space to a purpose and in a manner that is efficient for producing food. Solar energy makes this possible.

According to "Vertical Farming, Plant Factory Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020" report plant factory market forecast analysis indicates that markets at $403 million in 2013 are anticipated to reach $1.97 billion by 2020. Growth is a result of the unmitigated march of automated process driven by the semiconductor industry, by microprocessors, and more directly by the need for food that is uncontaminated. While "Grow Lights for Agriculture Market Shares, Strategies, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2014 to 2020" says LED grow light modules markets at $395 million in 2013 are anticipated to reach $3.6 billion by 2020. Rapid growth is anticipated to come in part from home and restaurant market segments as people, particularly affluent people, become more health conscious and try to avoid the deleterious effects of pesticides in their food.

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