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New complete semi-closed glasshouse in South Korea

Bosman Van Zaal has successfully signed a contract with the Octo & Jain company in South Korea for design, engineering, delivery and construction of a 3,4 ha complete glasshouse project for tomato production. The greenhouse consists of two greenhouse blocks each of 1,54 ha with a service building in the middle of about 0,3 ha. The greenhouse will be the first semi closed greenhouse in Korea applying Bosman Van Zaal’s ClimaPora system.'

Octo & Jain has been in contact with several greenhouse companies seeking the proper design for their greenhouse. However after extensive comparison and discussion, Bosman van Zaal has been awarded the contract; particularly because Bosman Van Zaal has been working closely with the Octo & Jain technical committee, paying attention to local circumstances and custom conditions. As a result Bosman Van Zaal submitted a complete proposal applying most recent technologies in greenhouse design with sustainable solutions such as the use of geothermal heating, cooling using heat pumps and the ClimaPora system which will be installed on 4 front gables. The ClimaPora will provide semi-closed greenhouse climate control through different functions; air circulation, heating, cooling, humidification, dehumidification, mixing inside and outside air, air ventilation, and adiabatic cooling whenever outside climate conditions are dry.

Also the greenhouse will have diffuse glass on roof of the growing area. In addition the greenhouse design is based on water saving and maximizing water use efficiency, the rain water will be collected and used for irrigation which is not common in Korea. Also through dehumidification the condense water will be collected and pumped back to the service area for re-use in greenhouse, and let’s not forget to mention the Cyclone irrigation unit which is patented system for Bosman Van Zaal. The Cyclone is characterized by CO2 extraction by centrifugal forces providing stabilized pH to ensure better fertilizers uptake, thus improved continuity of production per square meter and more stable quality.

The Octo & Jain team already started preparation of the project site and arranged all local approvals for project establishment, while the engineering team of Bosman Van Zaal already started the detailed engineering process. Project teams from both companies are aiming to finalize the project by September 2015.

For more information:
Bosman van Zaal
Mr. Rami Alsouqi
Email: [email protected]

Octo & Jain 

Mr. Kyeong Hwan Lee
Email: [email protected]

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