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What to ask in your search for the best LED Grow Lights

Some growers still hesitate to adopt the new LED technology and continue to operate with what they know - High Intensity Discharge (HID) grow lights. In fairness, this resistance is somewhat understandable. There’s a general lack of standardization within the LED grow light industry, and the comparison between lights is difficult. Below we list what to ask in your search for the best LED Grow Lights, so you can overcome your reservations.

We recently reported on a grower using Heliospectra LED grow lights to shorten flowering by 10-12 days using his own light recipe created with our lamp. With real results like these and others, it’s no surprise that LED grow technology is one of the most talked about grow lights on the market.

That said, some growers still hesitate to adopt the new technology and continue to operate with what they know - High Intensity Discharge (HID) grow lights. In fairness, this resistance is somewhat understandable. There’s a general lack of standardization within the LED grow light industry. Comparison between lights is difficult - combine that with cheap, low quality products flooding the market, claiming unheard of benefits and fictional results, and it’s fairly clear how doubt remains.

You’re interested, though (you’re reading this post, aren’t you?), but just aren’t certain LED is you - you operate a large facility and new technology, although promising, may pose a risk.

Here’s a starting point to overcome your reservations…

First: Do you have the right expectations? Whether you choose Heliospectra LED grow lights or not, you should know that the cheap, low quality products are your best route to disappointment. If a company has outlandish claims with results sounding too good to be true and an irresistible price, buyer beware - you get what you pay for - LED grow lights exemplify that old adage

Second: distinguish high quality LED grow lights from junk. How to do this? When asked reputable LED grow light companies can prove they:

  • use high efficiency, “top bin” LEDs from market leading manufacturers.
  • Your warning sign - when asked, the LED grow light company won’t disclose which diodes they use.
  • have high efficiency power supplies - ask for their specs. The unashamed will share this.
  • understand and use top notch thermal management/cooling techniques. This includes the aluminum heat-sink, cooling fans (in active cooling systems), and temperature monitoring capabilities.
  • have application specific, high-grade optics to create more uniform light quality and intensity.

Third: do your due diligence. Ask questions about a company’s product specifications and their customers’ results. The best companies have no issue sharing this information, offering grower references, and/or other 3rd party, unbiased data on their technology.

HID grow lights remain the safe choice. After all, the growing community has spent years adapting and sharing their growing methods with HIDs. If you are not ready to make the change, that’s ok. Wait to see what your competitors do, and then decide whether it’s worth it for you or not.

We understand the change may feel risky. The good news is more and more growers are becoming successful with LEDs. They are already experiencing the benefits and are sharing improved growing methods to maximize the technology in their operations.

For more information:
Heliospectra AB
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