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Tomato consumption Austria doubled

Tomatoes are the most popular vegetable with Austrians. A consumption of 28 kg per capita per year means that the Austrians buy 32,676 tonnes of tomatoes annually, with a value of around € 130 million. In principle, every family in Austria buys tomatoes. The tomato consumption per capita has double in the last 20 years.

Quantitatively, onions take the second spot. Value-wise, bell peppers come in second. Together, tomatoes comprise nearly 41% of the entire fruit and vegetable sector in Austria. Places three to ten are for carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers, iceberg lettuce, green lettuce, Chinese cabbage, courgette and herbs. Value-wise, cucumbers come out ahead of onions and carrots. A good sales result is also achieved by cut lettuce, mushrooms, and asparagus.

The organic share was 11% quantitatively, and 15% value-wise.

Source: Berichten Buitenland
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