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From root to bouquet

US: Tend flowers with passion

Chilly Root Peony Farm is an Alaskan family owned small flower farm located on the Kenai Peninsula, over looking stunning Kachemak Bay. We established the farm in 2009 to compliment our 30 plus year ongoing commercial fishing careers in Alaska.

At an elevation of 1490 feet, our peony bloom time is among the latest in the State. We encourage 18 different varieties of herbaceous peony to give Chilly Root Peony Farm their very best. We believe in and practice bio-dynamic agriculture, which is a system of sustainable balanced nurturing of soil, plant and animals. We exclude the use of artificial chemical additives on the plants and in the soil.

From root to bouquet, we tend our flowers with pure passion. We bring organic, sustainable and natural beauty to the market and hope to leave the Earth better than we found it.

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