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US (TX): Advantages of growing native plants

Mike Heep loves nothing more than to be surrounded by the native plants he has grown. As a horticulturist, he specializes in growing native plants at his nursery, Heep’s Lower Rio Grande Valley Plant Nursery in Harlingen. He went to school upstate where he majored in horticulture and botany. He then went on to grow palms in 1979.

After the December 1983 freeze that killed much of the plant life in the Lower Valley, Heep started cultivating native plants.

According to an article in the Palm Society of Texas, the freeze became known as the freeze that killed the palm trees in the Valley. Citrus also received a good beating, the worst since 1951, the article stated. “The Valley got such a cleaning from 1983 it would almost make the worst freeze of the century seem anticlimactic,” the article stated.

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