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1 Jan 2015 Wageningen UR, the Netherlands

Masterclass intellectual property rights in seed business

Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are increasingly influencing the sector for seeds and planting materials. Discussions have emerged as to the impact of these IPR on innovation and on the relations within the sector. Being a commercial incentive, plant breeder’s rights and patent rights are central in business decisions in both commercial enterprises and public research organisations.

This masterclass introduces the key aspects of IPR in the plant sciences, practical breeding and commercialisation of seeds and planting materials. By linking knowledge on developments in IPR systems with business strategies, this masterclass is unique in its kind. It provides a learning platform that crosses the disciplines of law, business administration and plant sciences.

Masterclass objectives

You will learn about recent developments in breeding rights and patent rights in different jurisdictions with emphasis on Europe and the United States. After this masterclass, you will be equipped with knowledge and understanding of the IPR systems relevant to the sector seeds and planting materials.

You will also be able to translate the knowledge gained into profitable business strategies for your research and development and your downstream commercial activities.

Target audience

This masterclass is intended for directors, managers, breeders and lawyers, who are working in the field of seed business and would like to know the latest developments in intellectual property and what consequences these have for the corporate strategy.

For more information
Wageningen UR
ir. MGC (Monique) Tulp-Jansen, programme manager
T +31 0317 48 22 98

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