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Netherlands: Quiet November takes a step back

November 2014 will be recorded as mild, sunny and dry, and as one of the five mildest Novembers since records began. This was not reflected in the supply of cut flowers, which dropped by over 3% this year compared to the same cooler period in 2013. The garden plants season is coming to an end.

The supply was almost 1% higher than last year. In all groups, the typical seasonal products cropped up again, particularly in the house plants group. In comparison to 2013, total sales were 0.6% lower with volumes having been reduced by 2.9%. The average price amounted to €0.391; an increase of barely €0.01.

Cut flower sales just in the min

The pricing of cut flowers was variable in comparison to November 2013. Roses dropped, with 3% fewer stems and their average price fell by more than €0.005 to €0.176. Spray Chyrsanthemums also dropped by more than €0.005, while the supply increased by 0.7%. Hippeastrum were supplied in larger volumes (+15%), but dropped in price by almost €0.05. The increase in supply (+ 20%) due to the early start of the season was also too much for Tulips, and the average price dropped by €0.02. Gerbera, Lily and Lisianthus stood out positively. Gerbera realized an increase in price of €0.03 with 7% fewer stems. Lilies achieved an increase in sales of 8% thanks to a €0.06 increase in price in comparison to 2013. Lisianthus - the flower of the Flower Agenda - saw a €0.06 increase in the average price despite a supply increase of 2.6%. For cut flowers, November came to a close with a reduction in sales of 1.5% and a 3.3% reduction in volumes. The average price improved as a result and increased by €0.005 to €0.244.

Slight price decrease for house plants

The supply of almost all house plants increased slightly, bringing down the average price. The Phalaenopsis supply was slightly higher in November (+1.3%) and the average price dropped by €0.10. Among the seasonal products, Pot Hyacinth could not cope with the 20% increase in supply and dropped in price by €0.05. The Poinsettia supply was the same as in 2013 while the average price increased by €0.04. In comparison to last year, Pot Amaryllis increased by €0.20, while the supply was considerably lower (-13.9%). Meanwhile the average price of Pot Anthurium plummeted by €0.14 as supply increased by 7.1%. The Cyclamen coped reasonably with the 13.3% increase in stems sold and saw the price drop by €0.015. Bromelias were not popular. The supply dropped by 7.4% and the average price dropped by almost €0.10. Christmas Cactus - the house plant of November - dropped in price slightly and the supply increased by 5.8%. The sales of house plants dropped by 1.1% with 0.8% more units sold than in November 2013. The average price of €0.1594 meant a decrease of €0.032.

Garden plants popular

This group is less significant in November. Christmas-related products and Conifers dominate the supply. The supply of Helleborus - the garden plant of November - reached 1.6 million (+ 18.8%) and sold for €0.05 more per plant than in 2013. Skimmias were also popular. The supply dropped by 6% and the average price increased by no less than €0.64. In November, garden plant sales increased by 10.7%, while the supply increased by 0.8%, leading to an average price of €1.244, more than €0.11 higher than in November 2013!

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