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US: ZeroTol 2.0 conquers greenhouse edibles market

For more than 15, years ZeroTol 2.0 has been a major player in the greenhouse industry and now with many growers following the trend of growing edibles, BioSafe Systems found it necessary for ZeroTol 2.0 to be labeled for foliar applications on fruits and vegetables grown in greenhouses.

The amendment to the ZeroTol 2.0 label includes foliar, soil drench, irrigation or fog applications on greenhouse vegetables and fruits. ZeroTol 2.0 can be used on many different food crops and can be applied same day as harvest to control pathogens like botrytis, powdery mildew, alternaria, bacterial blights and wilts and many more.

Jeff Kline, T&O Market Segment Manager says, “Greenhouse edibles is a growing trend and we didn’t want our growers to have to turn to another product when we knew ZeroTol 2.0 was capable and effective at controlling plant pathogens on all crops, not just ornamentals.”

For more information
BioSafe Systems, LLC
T: +1 888.273.3088

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