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January 7, Keukenhof Lisse

Netherlands: Creating added value is theme of Horticulture New Year's meeting

Being distinctive, innovative, sustainable entrepreneurship; these criteria characterise the four top companies nominated for the Horticulture Business Award 2015.

Arcadia BV, Artemis, Florensis and Martens Asperges are capable of conducting ground-breaking - international - business. Once again, the Horticultural Business Award Foundation is organising this year's New Year's meeting for entrepreneurs in the horticultural sector.

During the meeting on January 7, you will be offered an informative and interesting programme with inspiring speakers like Cees 't Hart, CEO of FrieslandCampina, René Boender as brain agent and marketing specialist, and the four finalists of the Horticultural Business Award 2015. There will be plenty of opportunity to meet colleagues and representatives from the sector.

The meeting is planned for 7 January 2015 and starts at 13:00 in Keukenhof Lisse. Participation is free of charge.

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