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India: Subsidy/economic assistance for organic farming

Government have provision of financial assistance to farmers individual through State Governments for adopting organic farming in the country under various central sector schemes like National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), National Food Security Mission (NFSM) and Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).

(i) Under NMSA, financial assistance upto 50% of cost, subject to a limit of RS.5,000/- per hectare and Rs.10,000/- per beneficiary is provided for promotion of organic inputs. Financial assistance @ Rs. 20,000/- ha. subject to maximum of Rs.40,000/- per beneficiary for three year term is provided for adoption of organic farming through cluster approach as well as through adoption of organic village under Participatory Guarantee System (PGS) certification. Financial assistance of Rs.10 lakh per village is provided for organic village adoption (maximum 10 villages per annum/state). Also, financial assistance upto 33% of financial outlay, subject to a maximum ceiling of Rs.63 lakh to individuals/ private agencies as back-ended subsidy through NABARD and 100% assistance to state Govt./ Govt. agencies upto a maximum limit of Rs.190 lakh per unit as Capital Investment for setting up Agro/vegetable waste compost production unit upto capacity of 3000 Tons Per Annum (TPA) production capacity is provided. Financial assistance @ 25% of total financial outlay subject to a ceiling of Rs.40.00 lakh to individuals/private agencies as back-ended subsidy through NABARD and 100% assistance to state govt./govt. agencies upto a maximum limit of 160 lakh per unit as Capital Investment for setting up bio-fertilizer units of upto 200 TPA production capacity is provided.

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