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Africa: Botswana horticultural market eases life for farmers

Marekisetso a morogo wa rona (PTY) Ltd, better known as Botswana Horticultural Market (BHM) will introduce another business model in an effort to improve the market for horticultural farmers in Botswana.

During a meeting with stakeholders at Denman in Sebele on Friday, November 21, the acting BHM CEO Mr Simon Meti said change of business model came as a result of relevant studies that were undertaken. BHM has since decided to change their business model from commission to wholesale trade.

The farmers he said were complaining that the commission charged at 12.5
per cent coupled with the mandatory 12 per cent VAT scared farmers away from BHM.

He further said farmers were being manipulated by traders including the fact that they were also not paid for their produce immediately upon delivery.

Meti said
with the new model, farmers would not have to take risk in case their product
get rotten and discarded because the loss will remain with BHM instead.

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