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India: University to release new varieties of Capsicum, Marigold

 The Vice Chancellor of the Horticulture University, D. Maheswar said that the research for coming out with two new high yielding and pest resistant varieties of Capsicum and Marigold flower is in its advanced stage.

This will go a long way in increasing the income levels of the horticulture farmers.

Addressing a press conference in Kalaburagi on Thursday Dr. Maheswar said that the scientists in the University, after the successful trials in the laboratory, are now conducting field trials in the University campus and the initial results are encouraging.

He said that with a view to reach out to the horticulture farmers elsewhere in the state and popularising horticulture, the University has proposed to establish Horticulture Information Centre and Farmers Research Centre in Kalaburagi, Yadgir and Bidar. A proposal in this regard has been submitted to the state government for approval.

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