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The crop of Christmas:

US (ON): Vineland to host poinsettia open house

According to Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs researcher Wayne Brown consumers want red, but not the same red. While they hold true to tradition they want that something different. Like that little black dress — they want a different shape, size and style.

"It's not just about a plant, it's about producing colour and enjoyment for the consumer," said Brown, who heads the nation's participation in a North American trial at the Vineland Research and Innovation Centre. "The consumer doesn't want to buy the same style of coat every year, they want to have something a little bit different. When you are growing flowers you are kind of in the fashion business. You have to take into account that not everyone likes the same shade or red or the same shade of white. Personal taste comes into play."

Over the last three to four years sales of red poinsettia have continued to increase during the holiday period which has led to many growers abandoning colours other than the traditional red, said Brown. This is where that fashion sense again comes into play.

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