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Many foreign nationals work in Dutch farming, food industry

Staffing agencies are using more low-skilled Polish workers and are giving them longer contracts than they used to, temporary employment agency association ABU said on Wednesday.

In the 12 months to July 2014, almost 90,000 so-called flexi-migrants worked in the Netherlands, of whom 88% were Polish nationals, ABU said. There are also substantial numbers of Germans, Czechs, Slovaks and Lithuanians working in the Netherlands through staffing agencies.

Foreign nationals account for 13% of the jobs done through staffing agencies, ABU said. Most work in logistics, farming and the food industry. ABU expects their number to go up by 4.3% next year.

Four in 10 migrant workers are under the age of 30. In the main they have had little post school education, ABU said.

‘We see this as evidence of the importance of migrant labour to the Dutch economy,’ ABU director Jurriën Koops said.

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