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US (CA): Modular, hydroponic micro-farms highlight future of high-tech urban ag

Cityblooms' urban agriculture solution is a high-tech approach to hyperlocal sustainable produce. They call it "The Internet of Farms™"

In urban areas, where space is at a premium, local food production takes quite a different shape than in the suburbs or country, where large lots and open spaces are the norm. For urban agriculture, growing space is where you find it, which might be a vacant lot in one instance, or a rooftop in another, or perhaps in an old factory or inside a shipping container.

For those who don't own their own space, or whose growing space is made up of a bunch of smaller spaces, or if all that there's room for is a rooftop garden (but not enough room for an entire rooftop farm or a green roof), then one possible solution might be to use something like this modular growing solution, from Cityblooms.

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