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Dominican Republic looking to increase exports

Dozens of vegetable and fruit producers of La Vega and province other parts of the Central Cibao region assumed the challenged to improve their products´ quality to consolidate and significantly increase the exports of more than US$75.0 million annually thus far.

The figures were provided by growers at a meeting in the Cibao Catholic University (UCATECI) hosted by the Agriculture Ministry, the European Union and the Dominican Republic Export and Investment Center (CEI-RD).

Growers spokesman Guillermo Contreras said they’ll adopt the proposals by CEI- RD director Jean Alain Rodriguez and Agriculture Minister Angel Estevez, to use safe and pesticides in fruits for export.

Rodriguez said local growers who produce for export should strive increasingly to present uniform, consistent, healthy plants and fruit with little or no chemicals.

According to the Agriculture Ministry, Chinese vegetables are an important component of agro exports, totaling US$75.0 million per year, mostly concentrated in around 5,000 farmers spread over a 1,600 hectares and some 45 companies.

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