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Samoa increasing capacity for export.

The Samoa Association of Manufacturers & Exporters (SAME) launched its Food Safety System Training and International (HACCP) Certification programmes at the Hotel Elisa Training Facility in Apia. The programme is geared towards helping Samoan food and beverage manufacturers and exporters meet International standards for Food Processing and Safety & Hygiene Management.

The 4 phased programme will lead to the International Certification ISO-22000. It is an extension of an earlier International certification programme offered by SAME where 8 local companies achieved ISO 9001:2008. 11 companies are currently in the final phases of certification, whilst 9 companies will be certified by end of November and 2 more in Februrary 2015.

18 SAME company members are registered for the new Food Safety Management Program. Companies include a wide spectrum of processors/manufacturers/exporters from Food and Drink manufacturers, processed agriculture-based products, Processed Meat Products; Fresh & Frozen Taro and Breadfruit; and Breadfruit flour.

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