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US (OR): Salvaged tub becomes hydroponics showcase

It was the early spring, and Hegarty and three business partners were preparing to open High Wire Hydroponics in Raymond with dreams of exotic plants growing under a warm, artificial glow. They priced out the display pond of their dreams.

Even with friendly pricing for stonework and some donated labor, a 5-by-5-foot pond – plus the hydroponic gear to run it – could have cost the upstart operation $3,000 for custom masonry and a pond lining.

“It was going to be a rather expensive endeavor, potentially,” Hegarty said. “We had visions of grandeur, for sure.”

Salvaged from a home renovation project in Portland, the heavy, claw-footed example was a comparative steal at $200, Hegarty said.

A few coats of paint later, the large vessel was ready for its in-store debut.

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