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Reclaimed water presents exposure pathway

Using reclaimed water to irrigate food crops presents an exposure pathway for persistent organic contaminants such as perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) to enter the human food chain. This greenhouse study used reclaimed water augmented with varying concentrations (0.2–40 μg/L) of PFAAs, including perfluorocarboxylates (C3F7COO– to C8F17COO–) and perfluorosulfonates (C4F9SO2O–, C6F13SO2O–, C8F17SO2O–), to investigate potential uptake and concentration–response trends in lettuce (Lactuca sativa) and strawberry (Fragaria ananassa). In addition, studies were conducted to evaluate the role of soil organic carbon concentrations on plant uptake of PFAAs.

PFAA concentrations in lettuce leaves and strawberry fruit were measured for each aqueous PFAA concentration applied. PFAA plant concentrations increased linearly with the aqueous concentration for all PFAAs, with PFCAs bioaccumulating to a greater degree than PFSAs in the edible portions of the tested plants. Chain-length-dependency trends were evident in both lettuce shoot and strawberry fruit, with decreasing concentrations associated with increasing chain length. Perfluorobutanoate (PFBA) and perfluoropentanoate (PFPeA), both short-chain PFAAs (<8 carbon chain length), accumulated the most compared with other PFAAs tested in the edible parts of both lettuce and strawberry. PFAA concentrations in strawberry root and shoot were also measured at selected PFAA aqueous concentrations (0.4, 4, and 40 μg/L).

Short-chain perfluorocarboxylates were the dominant fraction in the strawberry fruit and shoot compartments, whereas a more even distribution of all PFAAs appeared in the root compartment. Lettuce grown in soils with varying organic carbon contents (0.4%, 2%, 6%) was used to assess the impact of organic carbon sorption on PFAA bioaccumulation. The lettuce grown in soil with the 6% organic carbon content had the lowest bioaccumulation of PFAAs. Bioaccumulation factors for lettuce were correlated to carbon chain length of PFAAs, showing approximately a 0.4 to 0.6 log decrease per CF2 group. This study confirms that PFAAs can enter and bioaccumulate in food crops irrigated with reclaimed water. Bioaccumulation potential depends on analyte functional group and chain length, concentration in the reclaimed water, and organic carbon content of the soil.

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