ESA scientists to grow crops in space
A 10-year program carried by Norway will allows researchers to investigate on those crops that can be grown in space. Some of the crops include lettuce, cherry tomatoes and soybeans that can be grown on the International Space Station (ISS).
The project will be managed by the European Space Agency (ESA) and named Time Scale‘ by the researchers. The scientists will keep a close check on how a variety of plants can grow in space. I looks like they want to provide space travelers with a sufficient amount of food and air.
A study called Transgenic Arabidopsis Gene Expression System (TAGES) conducted in November 2009, showed how plant roots grow in different directions. The result was unexpected but showed that the plants grow the same way as they do on Earth. This is what influenced researchers to further study the scope of cultivation in space to feed astronauts, as per NASA website.
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