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Fires damage Seattle nursery and home

Fires caused serious damage to a Seattle greenhouse and a single family home Sunday morning.

The first incident, called in at 7:50 a.m., involved a two-and-a-half-story house at 7305 25th Ave. NW.

No one was home when a small appliance in the kitchen malfunctioned and triggered the fire, said Seattle Fire Department spokesman Kyle Moore.

Firefighters extinguished the blaze by 8:46, but estimated the house and its contents suffered $150,000 in damage.

The Red Cross was called in to provide temporary housing for the occupants.

The fire at Holly Park Greenhouse and Nursery in South Seattle started at about 9:30 a.m. The cause appeared to be a heating unit, Moore said. Damage to the 30-foot-by-50-foot greenhouse was estimated at $20,000.


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