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‘Mountain Lion’: A large-fruited, extended shelf-life hybrid tomato and its parent line, NC 2rinEC

'Mountain Lion' is a large-fruited, freshmarket hybrid tomato developed by crossing NC ICS x NC 2rinEC. It is resistant to verticillium wilt, fusarium wilt, and Tomato spotted wilt virus. It combines the rin and crimson genes which improve the shelf life and lycopene content of the tomato fruit.

'Mountain Lion', the F1 hybrid of NC ICS x NC 2rinEC, resulted from a tomato breeding effort to develop a superior large-fruited F1 hybrid tomato with improved fruit color ad increased lycopene content based the crimson gene in homozygous condition and increased shelf life based on the ripening inhibitor gene (rin) in heterozygous condition combined with fusarium wilt, verticillium wilt and TSWV resistance and adapted to vine-ripe production in Nprth Carolina (NC).

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