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Farm to work: new trend in organic vegetables

An area organic farmer has perhaps found a niche by delivering fresh produce from his 52-acre farm in Seguin directly to city workers who crave a healthy meal.

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Every other week, Schambon drives a truck full of fresh produce from his farm to downtown San Antonio. He sets up shop in the shadows of City Hall and like clockwork, city employees walk to his truck to pick up their pre-ordered vegetables.

"People are more conscious of eating healthy and the best way to do it is eating organic and it gets even better if it's local," said Schambon. "I really like having access to fresh produce all the time and it really is a good price for it," said city worker Mallory Tober.

The City of San Antonio supports the idea too because it keeps employees healthy.

The original idea was facilitated by the National Center for Appropriate Technology, a non-profit organization that supports sustainable agriculture. The idea has been growing in popularity.

"We're delivering to CPS Energy, to Northstar [Mall], Tesoro, and two hospitals," said Schambon.

A bag of fresh vegetables costs $22 and contains seven to nine different item. Everything is harvested within 24-hours of delivery.

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