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UAE: Abu Dhabi fruit and veg production rises

According to estimates, Abu Dhabi farmers will produce over 38,800 tonnes of quality produce during the 2014-2015 farming season, said a spokesperson of the Abu Dhabi Farmers Service Centre (ADFSC). The value of locally produced vegetables and fruits is expected to grow by around 25 per cent this year, compared with 2013. ADFSC is an Abu Dhabi government organisation tasked with improving the farming sector in the emirate.

This is up from 28,500 tonnes in the 2013-2014 season. The value of the local produce is estimated to grow to over Dh65 million in 2014, up from Dh52 million in 2013, according to the production plan made by ADFSC.

Abu Dhabi’s agriculture sector is generating just one per cent of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) and less than 15 per cent of the fruits and vegetables available in local markets annually, according to a report published by the Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD).

However, the share of local produce is gradually growing, the ADFSC spokesman said.

This upward trend emerged since 2011 as ADFSC formed partnerships with major retailers throughout the UAE. The business grew from 20 million kilograms of produce in 2011 to around 40 million kilograms of produce during the 2013-2014 season, the spokesman said.

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