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Pakistan imports worth Rs 1.127b from India via Wagha

Pakistan imported items worth Rs 1.127 billion during November 15-21 of current fiscal year from India via Wagha border, while total taxes of almost Rs 123 million was collected, according to official documents with Customs Today.

Pakistan imported tomatoes, garlic, polyethylene, cotton, machinery etc during November 15-21 from India. Pakistan imported 9,971,859 kilo gram (kg) tomatoes worth Rs 464 million, while Rs 27.8 million was generated by getting Income Tax on tomatoes import. On the other hand, 479,567 kg of garlic worth Rs 49.6 million was imported and income tax on garlic remained Rs 2.9 million.

The documents show that Pakistan imported 206,410 kg fruits (H.S Code 709-6000) from India worth Rs 14.9 million, while the Rs 0.74 million as duty tax and income tax Rs 0.94 million was collected. Ginger worth Rs 82.4 million was imported; however duty tax Rs 12.3 million and Income Tax Rs 5.6 million was collected.

Pakistan imported Peas worth Rs 5.2 million and Rs 0.58 million was collected as duty and income taxes. Carbon dioxide was imported worth Rs 2.57 million and Pakistan Customs received duty, sales tax and income tax Rs 0.128 million, Rs 0.46 million and Rs 0.17 million on the import of carbon dioxide respectively.

As a whole, Pakistan import stands at Rs 1.127 billion from India via Wagha Border, while total paid duty remained Rs 37.4 million, sales tax Rs 26 million, additional sales tax Rs 1.6 million and income tax Rs 58 million.
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