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New study finds GMO safe for animals, humans

Results of a new study of genetically engineered crops eaten by livestock indicate again that GMO feed is safe and nutritionally equivalent to non-GMO feed.
The study, which included more than 100 billion animals between 1983 and 2011, showed no unusual trends in the health of animals during that time.
The field data represented more than 100 billion animals covering a period before 1996, when animal feed was non-GMO, and after GMO feed’s 1996 introduction. University of California-Davis Department of Animal Science geneticist Dr. Alison Van Eenennaam and her assistant reviewed 29 years of livestock productivity and health data.

“Considering the size of the dataset,” the study said, “it can reasonably be said that the debate over the impact of GE feed on animal health is closed: there is zero extraordinary impact."

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