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Farm succession planning demands that we step up our communication
Everyone knows good communication is important in relationships and business, but throw succession planning into the mix and you’ll discover just how important it is.
At a recent farm succession program held by Michigan State University Extension in Traverse City, participants discussed the importance of good communication during farm succession. It has been said that 85 percent of all conflict is due to miscommunication, and with farm succession planning demanding a lot of communication, it’s also an opportunity to create a substantial amount of conflict.
During succession planning there are several areas that need to be discussed. These include: why you farm, your vision and goals, expectations, logistics and the transition plan itself.
In his book “Start with Why”, Simon Sinek encourages leaders to link about why they are in the business they are in, or put another way, what drives you. As a producer passing on your business to the next generation, you ought to be able to share your “why” with them.