Jamaica Sustainable Farm Enterprise to develop organic farming
So they are now turning to organic food, which they call 'clean food', food that was not nourished by chemicals. And, right here in Jamaica, there is a growing movement which promotes eating only cleanly cultivated food.
That movement is now getting some overseas support. Beginning last month, the Florida Association for Volunteer Action in the Caribbean and the Americas (FAVACA) launched a new three-and-a-half-year programme, which will concentrate on 'the development of market-driven organic agricultural production', through the Jamaica Sustainable Farm Enterprise Programme (JSFEP), whose country director-coordinator is Nicola Shirley-Phillips of the Source Farm Foundation, which has been selected as the implementing partner for the programme in Jamaica.
As the country director-coordinator, Shirley-Phillips works with all the stakeholders (local and overseas) to "ensure that all aspect of JSFEP is implemented in an efficient and timely manner".
Click here to read the complete article at jamaica-gleaner.com.