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Company president David Selakovic announces Vegalab expansion into California Market

Vegalab, an international leader in non-toxic, organic horticulture solutions, has announced that with the successful conclusion of several on-site trials this fall, they are officially entering the California market. The Switzerland-based company managed by President, David Selakovic, offers a wide variety of agricultural products for home and commercial gardeners designed to both, boost harvests and fight pests and disease. The company's all-natural fungicides, pesticides, and fertilizers deliver excellent results without any harmful chemicals or toxic residue.

In September 2014, Vegalab launched a series of fungicide and pesticide trials under Selakovic's supervision in different areas across California. Crops including avocado, cucumber, organic and conventional strawberries and ornamental plants were treated for a variety of infections. Vegalab's scientists observed that the applications were not only effective at combating the conditions, but in many instances the products created long-term residual effects after the first application, sometimes maintaining their effectiveness and not needing a second application. The trials tested Vegalab's all-natural line of fungicide and pesticide solutions called Mildew Control, Spore Control, and Spider Mite Control. The active ingredient in Mildew Control is geraniol, extracted from geranium plants, which provides potent results without negative environmental impact. Spore Control uses thymol, which is derived from thyme plants. Spider Mite Control is produced from a combination of natural cottonseed extracts, rosemary oil extracts and geraniol.

"California represents a $36 billion per year agricultural economy, the largest in the world, producing nearly half of the nuts, fruits and vegetables grown in the US," explains David Selakovic. "Our company is poised to enter this enormous market, with an all-natural product that has been thoroughly field-tested. We are confident that commercial growers will benefit from our safe, cost-effective treatment options." The first trial in California was conducted on September 5th at a farm in Oxnard. One acre of strawberries that were 80% infected with powdery mildew received an application of Vegalab's Mildew Control (foliar application). Only a few days later, visual evaluation showed 90% control, and even a month later, the crop was clean and needed no second application. Four more trials on farms in Santa Maria and Oxnard testing the effectiveness of Mildew and Spore Control on strawberries and Spider Mite Control on avocado trees proved to be equally successful, leading to Selakovic's decision to launch Vegalab products into the Californian market.

In his role as President, David Selakovic has led Vegalab onto the road to international success, overseeing the development of new products in the laboratories in Geneva and managing the company's expansion into new countries' markets all over the world. Selakovic has an international reputation as a highly impactful business leader with a consistent record of launching successful companies and helping existing companies to maximize their performance and productivity. In his free time, David pursues a number of hobbies, including photography, sailing, and classical art. He lives in Singapore together with his wife Leah and children, where he is actively engaged in a network of local charities that reflect his personal beliefs.

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