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US: Lettuce Evolve offers aquaponic planters for gardening in small spaces

A container garden is a great way to grow your own food in a small space, and there are many creative ways you can go about creating them. A Dallas-based company, Lettuce Evolve, has created a system that can be used as a modular container garden or for aquaponic growing.

John Murphy of Lettuce Evolve told TreeHugger that the company has developed the design over the course of the past four years.

The base of the planter can serve as a 50-gallon tank that holds small fish. In an aquaponic system, the fish’s water and waste are pumped up to the planter, where they fertilize the plants. In the process, the water is cleaned as it moves through the soil and cycles back to the tank. The system also includes an aeration bar, which creates more dissolved oxygen for the fish.

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