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US (CA): Food Co-op leads the way to a more sustainable riverside

The Riverside Food Co-op is not only increasing access to locally-produced foods in Riverside, California, but the organization is also bringing other entities together toward this cause.

Riverside was hit hard by the Great Recession, and according to Nick Melquiades, a member of the Co-op’s CORE (Community of Outstanding and Resourceful Entrepreneurs) Team, the Riverside Food Co-op was borne from those difficult times.

“The Co-op formed in response to the recession in Riverside, including real estate foreclosures and a bad economic climate,” Melquiades says. “We needed something more independent.”

Formed in 2012, the Riverside Food Co-op has not fully developed, and has eventual plans to open a store. But it’s currently engaged in important work in Riverside, work which was spurred and encouraged by a Seedstock conference, Grow Riverside: Citrus and Beyond! on March 19-20, 2014.

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