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AU: Mosaic virus hits NT pumpkins

The Northern Territory Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries has confirmed cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV) has been detected in a pumpkin crop in the Northern Territory. The department made the announcement as Katherine watermelon producers impacted by the highly contagious virus continued to destroy their crops.

An additional quarantine area has been declared in Marrakai following the detection of the infected pumpkin crop.

Properties in declared quarantine areas will not be able to move, sell or plant any of the virus’ declared host plants, which include watermelons, cucumbers and squash.

To date CGMMV has not been detected in Queensland. Queensland, along with other states, is currently preparing to undertake a specific, nationally consistent, surveillance program for CGMMV. Biosecurity Queensland has asked growers to check their melon crops and report any signs of the virus.

A Biosecurity Queensland spokesperson said they had been looking for the virus and responding to reports of suspect symptoms through its normal surveillance, market access and diagnostic programs. “Trace-back investigations between Queensland businesses and the detections of CGMMV in the Northern Territory are ongoing,” the spokesperson said.

Growers are strongly encouraged to implement good farm biosecurity practices, such as those described in the Melon Industry and Nursery and Garden Industry Biosecurity Plans or the Nursery and Garden Industry Farm Biosecurity Manual.

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