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UK: Property developer ordered to rebuild historic Georgian greenhouse after demolishing without permission

A millionaire property developer who pulled down a historic Georgian greenhouse without planning permission to make way for luxury homes has been ordered to rebuild it brick by brick.

Richard Rosebourne, 32, was granted permission to convert 19th century Heron Lodge in Worcester into four flats in November 2012, but on the strict condition that its greenhouse must be repaired and restored to its former glory.

However, after developers discovered asbestos underneath the structure, which served as an orangery during the 1800s, they dismantled it.

Mr Rosebourne, who is the development manager at Heron Homes Ltd, then submitted a retrospective planning application to demolish the greenhouse - which was rejected by Worcester City Council in September this year.

Council chiefs have now ordered Mr Rosebourne to rebuild the entire structure piece by piece and have threatened court action if it is not done to a high enough quality.


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