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US (PA): Penn State Extension helps greenhouse growers blossom with Northeast Greenhouse Seminar

To shine a light on issues affecting area greenhouse growers, Penn State Extension will hold the annual Northeast Greenhouse seminar in November.

Old Man Winter’s chilly breath may have brought the outdoor growing season to an end for many, but for about 50 area greenhouse growers, the season is extended with proper pest control, water management and heating.

These techniques, plus promoting plants through social media, will be covered during the annual Northeast Greenhouse seminar held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Nov. 12 in the Luzerne County Community College Conference Center, Prospect Street, Nanticoke.

Whether it is growing ornamental, flowering or vegetable plants, greenhouses are a stable industry in the county, said John Esslinger, educator with the Penn State Extension.

“Normally we get a good turn out,” Esslinger said. “Last year, we had about 70 people attend.”

Registration for the seminar is $30 if registered before Tuesday. After Nov. 4, the registration fee is $40. Registration and a full agenda of the day are available at or by calling 1-888-825-1701.

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