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Analysts forecast the Global Greenhouse Horticulture Market to grow at a CAGR of 9.3 percent by 2018

According to Global Greenhouse Horticulture Market 2014-2018 report, one of the major drivers of this market is the growing demand for food. The huge increase in the demand for food, coupled with frequent climatic fluctuations, has increased the scope of greenhouse horticulture production.

Greenhouse horticulture refers to the production of horticulture crops within a structured shelter in order to provide modified growing conditions for the crops. The majority of Greenhouse structures are made from plastic followed by glass and other materials.

It facilitates the protection of crops from diseases, pests, and various negative weather conditions. Greenhouse horticulture production has many benefits over conventional crop production techniques thereby providing safer and healthier food.

This is one of the major positive factors leading to an increased demand for greenhouse horticulture.

Analysts forecast the Global Greenhouse Horticulture Market to grow at a CAGR of 9.3 percent over the period 2013-2018.

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