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US (MI): Get the answers your greenhouse business needs at the Michigan Greenhouse Growers Expo

The Michigan Greenhouse Growers Expo takes place Dec. 9-11, 2014 at the Devos Place Conference Center in Grand Rapids, Michigan in conjunction with the Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable and Farm Market Expo. This year there will be 15 greenhouse-specific educational sessions, a host of other general farm management educational sessions, over 400 exhibitors at the trade show covering 4 acres in a single exhibit hall, and a bus tour of southwest Michigan greenhouses. There are numerous reasons to attend this year’s Expo. 

For instance, is your current pest control strategy not working as well as it used to? Or is your end customer demanding to know the steps you are taking to reduce your pesticide usage or to protect pollinators? Are you considering growing impatiens again (or increasing the amount produced), but still concerned about impatiens downy mildew? Then this year’s Expo has the answers for you. 

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