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India: NCOF stall a huge draw at Biofach-2014

At the Biofach -2014, the National Centre of Organic farming (NCOF) is on a mission to promote the advantages of organic farming. The NCOF stall attracted a large number of farmers, underscoring the depth of awareness among them on organic farming.

“We, at the NCOF conduct quality checks, promote organic farming, provide training to government offices and develop new strains that provide higher outputs,” said Dr Manisha Ravi of the NCOF.

“The various advantages of taking up organic farming are increased soil health, sustainable production and better prices for the produce in both the domestic and international markets.

“There is a great demand for organic food items among the health-conscious new generation. Now-a-days, there is hardly any big difference between the prices of organic produces and conventional produces,” she said.

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