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Fresh vegetables for Russian Primorye in winter

The primary goal of the Department of Agriculture and Food in Primorye is the supply of fresh vegetables in winter. To achieve this goal, four hectares of winter greenhouses have already been built this year.

China is keen to proceed with mass deliveries of vegetables and fruit to Russia. The Chinese side opens a platform for the direct export of fruit and vegetables to Russia, through the Russian-Chinese border checkpoint Dongning, which is close to the Primorye region.
"We currently depend on Chinese exports of fresh vegetables, particularly in winter. Therefore, it is necessary to build more winter greenhouses in the region in order to satisfy 80% of its total needs," said the deputy director of the Department of Agriculture and Food in Primorye, Denis Bochkarev.

It is stressed that the Department of Agriculture and Food of Primorye also has another urgent issue to address: the storage of carrots, onions, beetroot and cabbage in winter.
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