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US (NJ): BHS shop teacher is raising awareness of hydroponics

Bloomfield High School woodworking teacher Michael Warholak is hoping to propagate a better future in an overlooked place at the high school.

Already the advisor for the BHS robotics club, Warholak is hoping to muster enough student interest in a hydroponics club in which the members would grow plants in water. He believes hydroponics is the way food crops will be grown in the future. And he wants this type of thinking to get rooted, as it were, among the students.

The place he wants this to happen — and it has already begun on a small scale — is in a quiet, internal corridor of BHS which is located between an addition to the high school and the southern facade of the historic building. The space is about 12-feet wide, three stories high and has a translucent ceiling,

Call him a wild-eyed visionary, but he sees this corridor as a potential hanging garden of Babylon where students would learn the rudiments of 21st-century farming or just “chill out” in a futuristic garden setting filled with the sound of a gently cascading waterfalls.

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