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Enza Zaden best family business in Hillenraad 100

Enza Zaden has won – with distinction – the Hillenraad 100 award for best family business. Moreover, with its number 2 position the company has been placed again at the top of the list of the 100 most leading companies in the Dutch horticultural industry. Friday 31 October, the Hillenraad committee announced this list. Every year, this committee of experts – entrepreneurs, managers and individuals no longer in the business – evaluates the results of more than ten thousand enterprises.

A business that leads by example

In the report, the committee of experts refers to Enza Zaden as a “business that leads by example”. “This is a business that knows exactly how to engage People, Planet and Profit.” The quote relates to, among other things, the fact that Enza Zaden is the only company in the sector with a 100% organic subsidiary and to the vision of the joint venture in Indonesia, Ewindo. Moreover, the committee praises Enza Zaden’s ‘multi-local’ market approach: the strong focus on local knowledge and insights.

Recognition for company and employees

Managing Director Marketing & Sales Hein Bemelmans received the award during the Hortigala. “Enza Zaden has shown a healthy growth in size, turn-over and profit and a strong technological performance for 3 generations already. For the jury this was the main reason to award Enza Zaden the prize for best family business. We consider the award as a recognition for our company and employees.”

For more information
Enza Zaden
Email: [email protected]
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