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Russia improves greenhouse production

New greenhouse complex Gribakov for growing green vegetables is built in the Penza region.

The greenhouse is equipped with a conveyor line, small-volume hydroponics and supplementary lighting systems that will allow growing lettuce, dill, parsley, spring onions, basil. Production output is expected to reach 2000 plants per day.
This year, the investment for the construction and equipment of the greenhouse (total area 1.3 ha) totalled 40 million roubles (750 thousand Euro). While the installation process is coming to its end, the green crops are being seeded.

The first harvest of lettuce is scheduled for the third decade of November. Range of green vegetables will be gradually expanding, and in the years 2015-2017 the growing area for lettuce will be increased to 0.5 ha, and for cucumbers – up to 3 hectares.

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