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Nov. 4-5

Germany: Selecta Klemm is organizing another Magic Stars event 2014

Selecta Klemm is organizing another Magic Stars event series. After last year’s successful premiere of hosting an event in five different countries Selecta will be present in six European countries in 2014. Magic Stars is the event for producers and retailers to get an overview of the Selecta assortment and learn all there is to know about Poinsettia.

The event series starts with the German event “Sternenzauber” at the premises of Christoph Schönges in Korschenbroich on November 4 and 5.

Like in previous years an extensive assortment show with many highlights, bestselling varieties and novelties in the categories "Christmas Feelings Family“, "Competence in Red“, "Competence in White”, "Shapes and Colours“ and "Selecta Minis“ will be displayed.

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