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Nov. 12-13 at Three Rivers Convention center in Pasco

US (WA): Vegetable growers convene in Pasco

The Pacific Northwest Vegetable Association will hold its annual conference and trade show November 12-13 at the Three Rivers Convention center in Pasco. The event will feature speakers on a variety of vegetable related subjects.

This year marks the 28th year for the conference. It's been held in Pasco at least 15 of those years, according to PNVA president Craig Yearous.

The PNVA boasts a membership of about 300, according to show coordinators Ag Association Management, including growers, support businesses and private individuals. Attendees will come from all over Washington, Oregon and Idaho.

Wednesday will feature an all-day session devoted to onions, as well as one on general vegetable growing. Thursday's offerings include pest management and a session devoted to the expanding arena of organic farming.

This year's keynote speaker is Gary Zimmer. Zimmer is an expert consultant in organic farming. Zimmer has done consulting in the areas of biological farming, as well as organic dairy and beef.

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