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Chinese researchers trained at DLV Plant-GreenQ

From the 14th of October until the 24th of October 15 delegates from the Taiyuan Institution of Agricultural Science (TIAS) are trained at DLV Plant-GreenQ. The TIAS is a public institute from China (Shanxi province) focusing on crop production research, but also provide research on technology development, promotion of research results, and other public services.

In Shanxi province most greenhouse production is in plastic tunnels and solar greenhouses. Plants are grown in soil and diseases and insects are a real issue in vegetable production. The only available greenhouses for soilless cultivation are only for demonstration purposes. For this reason TIAS has decided to be training in the Netherlands as DLV Plant-GreenQ.

Since most participants only have a basic educational background in horticulture they were eager to get educated both theoretically and practically. The training as currently supplied by DLV Plant-GreenQ is combining theoretical lectures with practical exercises in the practical research and learning facility the Improvement Centre of DLV Plant-GreenQ.

We hope the training will supply the required knowledge for TIAS to opt their local research in out of soil production.

For more information
DLV Plant-GreenQ
Steven Madern, Marketing & Communication
Email: [email protected]

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