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Urban agriculture is more than a hippy-style hobby

Meeting the challenge of developing a sustainable living may require introducing agriculture in urban areas

Imagine living in an inner city and buying your vegetables and fruit just moments after they’ve been harvested. Imagine waking up to the rustic sound of a cock crowing. Imagine your household waste and sewage serving to grow even more food in a highly sustainable way. This is the promising picture painted by the EU-funded Supurbfood project.

“The goal of the Supurbfood project,” Han Wiskerke tells, “is to make urban and peri-urban agriculture much more important than it is now.” Wiskerke is the coordinator of the project and a professor of rural sociology at Wageningen University and Research Centre in the Netherlands. He goes on to explain that the project also aims to close the food-waste cycle, to shorten the food supply chains, and to create multifunctional land use in cities.

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