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India: NHB to promote horticulture on roof-tops in urban areas

The National Horticulture Board (NHB) in association with Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy working on to promote horticulture like mushroom crops on roof tops in urban residential areas.

Speaking at the conference on 'Dynamics of Urban and Pre-Urban Horticulture organised by the PHD Chambers of Commerce and Industry, NHB Managing Director Rajender Kumar Tiwari said, "In near future residential localities including commercial complex would have numerous solar panels installed on them for energy generations in them."

"Under such panels, mushroom crops could ideally be cultivated with the cooperation's of residence welfare associations by pumping in roof tops the waste water, littered and collected around such colonies," he added.

Tiwari added that NHB would provide financial and technical assistance so that in the urban and peri-urban areas, horticulture is developed for clean and green India.

He also shared that NHB is already marketing the setting up of vegetable and flower nurseries and also working on a mechanism for their accreditation to promote vegi and flori culture in urban and peri-urban areas Tiwari.

Speaking at the same event, Horticulture Commissioner S K Malhotra indicated that the government would set up a core group with representatives from both governmental and industry that will make recommendations for promotion of horticulture in urban and peri-urban areas.

Among others who participated in the conference were Chairman of PHD Chamber Agribusiness Committee N M Kejriwal, Vice Chancellor Junagarh Agricultural University Saurabh Sanyal, and Director General Borlaug Institute for South Asia H S Gupta.

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